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'Communicating with children about big emotions can be difficult. A child’s developing brain is imaginative, creative and beautiful. Their communication is through play and metaphor rather than the verbal language of adults.'

The Magical Maisie collection explores life events, such as bereavement, friendship difficulties, overthinking, difference and trauma through stories where Magical Maisie has special powers - 'Maisie seems to be able to read minds. She somehow knows how Lilly and Stephen are feeling and is always there when they need her.' 'Maisie’s big ears help her to listen in a very special way. Her nose lets her sniff out what Lilly and Stephen really feel.'


This workbook is designed to help you communicate with children about how they are feeling and their experience of bereavement, loss and grief through the characters of the book. It enables children to create their own memory box and project how they are feeling onto characters such as Lilly, to communicate how they are feeling in an unconscious and indirect way. Through this, adult and child can work together to expand current coping mechanisms, discuss emotions and undertake practical tasks to help a child in their grieving process.


The workbook follows Stephen, Lilly and Maisie through their journey of grief, helping children to identify their feelings through behaviours and bodily sensations, providing practical examples of activities to assist in regulating emotions and ultimately providing a fun way for children to be able to track their journey and keep their memories safe.

Higgledy Piggledy Hearts - Bereavement Workbook

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